Awards Ceremony
Please join Awards Ceremony
Saturday, Dec. 14th after the parade
Time: 9:00 pm
Location: Tony P’s Dockside Grill
4445 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Appetizers (Vegetarian options available) and no-host bar will be provided for all boaters.
Two persons invited per boat entry.
Additional attendees are $10 each at the door.
There will be a photo slide presentation of all entries.
Fabulous gifts will include hotel stays, restaurants, entertainment, golf, theater and everyone goes home with a prize!
Please RETURN 2 assigned numbers at the awards ceremony.
Awards list
⭐️ Best Overall
⭐️ Best Power
⭐️ Best Sail
⭐️ Best Individual
⭐️ Best Organization
⭐️ Best Charter
⭐️ Best Company
⭐️ Best Theme
⭐️ Best Music
⭐️ Best Spirit
⭐️ Best Live Band
⭐️ Best Lights
⭐️ Best Animation
⭐️ Yacht Club with the most entries by its members
Judging will take place at various locations throughout the parade route.
Winners will be awarded their prizes at our Awards Ceremony.